Katy, Mary, and Anna Summer 2011 |
Every girl needs a big sister.
If you aren't lucky enough to have a biological one in your life then, if you are wise, you recruit.
Our Anna recruited wisely.
Katy has very generously become Anna's big sister and Anna understands from the bottom of her 19 year old heart, how incredibly fortunate she is to have Katy as a part of her life.
We have been friends with Katy's family for many years but they live about eight hours away. This made it tough to get together very often while the kids were growing up. However, each summer Katy and her family would come and visit the farm for a week.
Their friendship began when Anna was six and fell into awe of 11 year old Katy. At the time, Anna was a big sister to two year old Mary, but didn't have a big sister of her own. She was looking for someone to look up to and Katy became just that person.
Anna was a smart little girl...
Here is Katy at age 11, looking every bit the cool chica then that she is today.
Last weekend we were able to relive some of those summertime memories...grown up Katy came to visit!!!
Katy is without a doubt, the most energetic, optimistic and completely fun person ever... she is a wonderful role model for my daughters and all of my kids adore her.
She can also be completely goofy, which I consider an essential ingredient in humankind.
We had a fabulous weekend, full of laughter with some healthy reminiscing...
here are Anna and Katy summer of 1997.
And Anna and Katy in summer of 2011.
Oh, and in case you were wondering how hoofprints outfits are created, here is Yoder the hesitant but artistic pony in action.
Thank you Katy, for being a good friend to everyone in my family but especially for being there for Anna during all of those crucial times when she needed a big sister more then a mom.
You are the best sister-by-choice, and my girl is very fortunate to have you to look up to.
As the signs in the airport say..."Yay, Katy!!!"