Friday, January 14, 2011

Shot My Kids Ruined

 My bro and sis in law gave this book to Karl for his birthday... something about it must have made them think of our home and that we would be able to relate to it's message. They were absolutely right. 
It's called Sh*t My Kids Ruined and it is mostly a photo essay of valuable and important household items that children have ruined. Lily has read it cover to cover and my other adorables have skimmed it, probably for inspiration. Unsure how to read the asterisk in the title, Lily believes the key word in the title to be "Shot," which is works just fine.
The book shows off household messes of all sorts... some more troubling then others. Sometimes it's the kids themselves who are disgusting and covered in nastiness, sometimes the kids are unscathed and the house is in ruins. Often times pets are involved too.  Occasionally it's all three... kids, pets and property...those are really the best. 

Watching Lily read and enjoy this book so much prompted me to look through some old photos of historic messes in our home. I confess that although these pics are startling ... at the time I thought of them as "cute" enough to be photographed and thus memorialized. Like all moms, I also have a few colossal messes seared into my brain that I will never forget even though I was way too steamed to photograph them at the time.

 Please enjoy.

Lily, Turkey and a bag of powdered sugar. I wonder at what point she went for the broom to tidy up.


Jamie Vs. Yogurt.

 Lily +  Jamie + dog food bowls... I appreciate their outfits... argyle socks for Lil and the famous diaper and rain boots for Jamie. Two different boots as a fashion bonus. 
 The dynamic duo and a whole lot of baby powder.

I love Jamie's look combined look of innocence and attitude... "yeah, so what?"

There is additional part of the book dedicated to kids swearing through the medium of refrigerator magnets.
I found this bit of poetry in bathtub letters... I was actually pretty impressed that my darlings knew how to spell "chickenbutt."

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