Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Very Best Origami Artist I Know.

 This is my young friend Nathan, he is 11 and he is extremely cool.
He is such a nice + cool guy that he agreed to teach a class in origami at his local public library.
(That's his little brother Jonathan on the left)

 A whole bunch of kids came to his class, including Henry and Lily. 
I got to tag along too, which made me very happy and but made the class a bit tougher to teach since it then included "mature learners." All of those nimble minded youngsters picked up on the paper folding and bending quickly.... less so for me.

But Nathan was patient and explained his folds to me slowly. He even complimented me although  it was obvious that my "crane" looked more like a spitball then anything else. 
When I asked him to check my work he looked closely at my pitiful little bird and said...
"I think it would help if I do this fold over... that way the head won't be as long as the neck and the whole crane will be more even and balanced."
Thank you Nathan.

 Here he is showing Lily how to fold. 
She was a far better student and produced a far better bird and I am totally NOT jealous of her crane folding skills.

 Henry, Nathan and Lily with their finished cranes.

Nathan is showing off a little bit... his crane is kind of like an action figure. If you pull on it's cute little tail while tugging on it's well balanced and in proportion beak... he flaps his wings.

Nathan is demonstrating just how cool and flappy he made his crane.

Henry and Lily's cranes are also lovely and they should be proud of them.
My little spitball wad crane is safely tucked in my purse to spare my kids the embarrassment of an inept origami mom.

 The picture window of the library became a display of Nathan's origami art. 
Here is a folded vase of flowers and a hummingbird.

I thought this piece was funny... it's a baby in a box.
Of course.

Nathan is one of my heroes.
He is cool and sweet and the very best origami artist I know.
He is also a gifted musician and plays the piano and cello.
He does all of these things with the additional challenge of being born without his right arm.  He uses his foot to do things like make intricate paper folds and guide a cello bow. Two things that many people who do have a right arm can't do.
Nathan's right foot can do anything that a right hand could do. 
Nathan can do absolutely anything he wants to do.

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