Saturday, September 22, 2012

Go Bucks!

What could my boys so obviously be missing as they prepare to cheer on the Buckeyes at Ohio Stadium aka "The Shoe?"
of course,
The youngest Buckeye amigo, 
Ryan B.
Major B.
I am so grateful for Erika and Mike realizing that my boys were in desperate foamy finger need and making this purchase.
 (Exactly as dutiful godparents do for a sad and foam fingerless godson...we chose Jamie's spiritual guides well)
Mary K. and Anna G.
As a special bonus feature we all had a chance to visit with one of my favorite teenagers, Anna G.... Mary's bestie who I have had the honor of living in the same neighborhood as, since she was just a little girl. 
(sigh and pause for a nostalgic childhood memory of little Anna)
And now it does my Buckeye heart proud to know that Anna is lucky enough to attend Ohio State, and in fact, live in the tower of the shadow of the stadium. 
(if you attended OSU as a freshman after 1965, you are likely very familiar with this tower)  
Go Anna...Go Bucks! 
(woot, woot!!!)

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