Thursday, August 8, 2013

Friends through Guatemalan Adoption/Mammoth Cave Weekend

Check out this gang of 25 fun kids.
Most were born in Guatemala within a few years of each other, a few are homegrown with Guatemalan born siblings, and one little Ethiopian gal made it to the party.
This crew happily invaded the world renowned Jellystone Park at Kentucky's Mammoth Cave and had a great time of it.   
Here are Lily, Ryan, Rosie and Jamie posing at the campground with some of the unique, classical statuary.
I couldn't tell you where Henry was at this point...
 ...but he reappeared later during the tour of the awesome Mammoth Cave.

As an interesting side note... our tour guide told us a true story that happened during a field trip to the cave when she was nine years old. Apparently, one of her teachers was too wide to pass through this area, got stuck, and had to hike back to the cave entrance.
Woe be to that poor teacher whose unfortunate mishap is a part of both third grade history and now Mammoth Cave tour lore.
Here is my cute husband wearing his brand new bat sweatshirt and smiling in the middle of an area called Tall Man's Agony.
I loved the historical elements of the cave... the candle burn graffiti on the ceiling.
Looks like F. Rowe visited the cave in 1839 and took the time to make his mark before going. 
I thought this so very interesting.
Back at Jellystone Campground, the kids all had a fun and bouncy time jumping on a giant trampoline. 
Miraculously, no one was injured.
Everyone had a great time, but Jamie and Henry loved their Guatemalan adoption inspired weekend most of all.
As Henry pointed out to me "technically Mom, you and Dad shouldn't even be invited because you weren't born in Guatemala."
While this is true, I told him that technically, since neither him nor any of his Guatemalan pals had jobs or drivers licenses, they still needed their parents for planning purposes. 
Which is true now, but before too long this won't be the case, and when this happens, I really do hope that our Guatemalan born kids maintain those friendships of their birth country.

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